When people think of spray paint, they usually think about street art, crafts, and home improvement. They don’t usually think of vehicles. But, you can absolutely spray paint cars (and bikes, motorcycles, RVs, etc.). Some of our favorite Plutonium Paint Spray Paint projects are vehicles. And one of our favorite vehicle spray paint project is the Dolce Vite Chocolatto Mobile.

The Chocolatto Mobile, a partnership between artist Jason Castro, Dolce Vite, and Plutonium, was sprayed with Pumpkin, our dark orange color. Take a look at what Jason did.

Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll see the Chocolatto Mobile zooming around Brooklyn!


Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile

Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile

Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile


And a Behind the Scene’s Look at Jason Castro Spray Painting Cars


Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile

Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile

Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile


Spray Paint Cars? Yes! Take a look at the Chocolatto Mobile